KALW public radio interviews the San Francisco Tenants Union's new Executive Director Deepa Varma.
Why Housing Regulation Is Important
Click here for an article that explains why market development isn't the answer to the housing crisis.
Adding Roommate Despite Restriction on Rental Agreement
The San Francisco Rent Board has finalized the Rent Board Rules and Regulations that allow households to add roommates despite…
Eviction Protections 2.0 Summary
The San Francisco Rent Board is still finalizing the Rules and Regulations (which interpret the law) for the legislation strengthening…
Tenants Union and Supporters Keep Additional Roommates Provision
The Rent Board Commissioners (appointed by the Mayor) attempted to change legislation effective November 9, 2015 from what was understood…
Peskin Supports Rent Control Because Affordable Housing Is Dwindling
San Francisco is not building enough affordable housing to replace rent-controlled units which is why Supervisor Candidate Aaron Peskin wants…
Proposition I: Pause Luxury Construction in the Mission
Prop I, on the November 2015 ballot, puts a 18-month pause on luxury development in the Mission District. If passed,…
Eviction Protections 2.0 Becomes Law
Mayor Ed Lee, under pressure by tenants,
Why Vote for Peskin and Prop F?
Aaron Peskin, who is running for San Francisco Supervisor District 3, is not part of the frightening power machine that…
Ethical Landlords
Some landlords are ethical and don't find it a hardship to be an ethical landlord. Here's a letter to San…