San Francisco Sheriff Vicki Hennessey evicted 100 year old African American San Francisco resident Iris Canada. The sheriff is supported…
Warehouses and Illegal Homes
Read our article in the San Francisco Examiner about what you should know about warehouses and other illegal homes.
Airbnb Restriction Passes
Supervisor Peskin introduced legislation that makes it harder to convert residential hotels to tourist hotels. The full board passed the…
Waterfront Lawsuit
Despite the San Francisco voters' 59 percent opposition to high luxury condo developments along the waterfront in the 2014 Proposition…
Market-Rate Development Reduces Affordable Housing
San Francisco Planning Director agrees that market-rate development reduces affordable housing.
Results of Assembly District 17 Delegates Election
8 out of 14 of the Reform Slate for the State Assembly District 17 won.
Russian-Language Tenant Counseling in the Richmond District
Yelena Bolshakova is a new Russian-speaking tenant counselor at the Housing Rights Committee. She will be available for tenant counseling…
San Francisco Tenants Union endorses District 17 Reform Slate for the California Democratic Party
Realtor influence at the California state level produced mass displacement through Costa Hawkins and the Ellis Act. The association of…
Academy of Art Settles with City
Academy of Art, one of the biggest landlords in San Francisco, has settled for $60 million with the City of…
Sierra Club Takeover by SF BARF Fails
The pro-development organization, SF BARF, failed to takeover the Sierra Club in the local board member election. The SF Department…