May 5, 2015 SFTU

Tenants Rights Bootcamps

Tenant Rights Bootcamps are a neighborhood-by-neighborhood effort to empower renters to stand up to speculators and prevent displacement. Featuring tenant rights expert Dean Preston, the bootcamps provide an opportunity for renters to learn their rights and ways to organize and fight back.

Workshops will take place through the year. Please RSVP at the dates below.

Dean Preston


Dean is an experienced leader who has dedicated his life to standing up for tenants. The founder and Executive Director of California’s only statewide tenant rights organization, Dean has successfully advocated for laws that protect renters both in San Francisco and throughout California. As a statewide voice for tenant rights, Dean has defended tenants against eviction, fought against unsafe living conditions for families and led the charge to keep San Francisco affordable.


August 20 – Harvey Milk Center for the Arts – for people living with HIV

7:00pm @ 50 Scott Street in the Castro District


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